Page Eleven

Jewish Flight from Nazi Germany

In the aftermath of the Kristallnacht mass arrests, thousands of Jews sought refuge overseas. The Holy Land was the preferred destination for Zionist Jews, but the British government of Palestine limited the number of Jews who were allowed to immigrate. Germany printed a red “J” on the front page of Jewish travel documents at the request of the Swiss government.

Pictured Below: The infant child Max Stüb needed this travel document, issued December 9, 1938, to emigrate with his father to Palestine, with the departure tax paid the following day. They arrived at Basel, Switzerland, on January 19, 1939, where additional consular fees were required. The British consulate issued their visa for Palestine on February 14, and they departed on February 22, reaching Italy the same day. The government of Palestine granted a permanent entry visa on February 27, and they cleared customs on March 3.

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