Page Six

Jewish Slave Labor in Poland

HASAG (Hugo Schneider Aktiengesellschaft-Metalwarenfabrik), a privately owned armaments manufacturing firm headquartered at Leipzig, became the third largest enterprise employing concentration camp laborers after I.G. Farben and Hermann Göring Werke. From August 1942 to August 1944, the HASAG ammunition factory at Skarzysko-Kamienne, Poland, employed between 25,000 and 30,000 Jewish slave laborers, the largest number of any single enterprise. For each prisoner, HASAG paid four to five zlotys per day, less maintenance costs, to SS- und Polizeiführer Hermann Botcher of the Radom district, while furthering the Nazi policy directed against Jews of “Vernichtung durch Arbeit” (extermination through work).

“Through German Official Post East,” from the HASAG Works at Skarzysko-Kamienne, Poland.

Postage due 19 pfennigs.

Pictured Above: In 1943 the Anti Nazi League headquarters in Palestine published the Black Album, a book of ten post cards that reproduced photographs of Nazi atrocities that had been smuggled out of Germany and Nazi-occupied Europe. These were among the first visual proofs of the events that became known as the Holocaust. Very few of these prints survived the war.

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