Extermination Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau – The Singer family tragedy
This page and the two that follow document the tragedy of Arnold Singer, a German Jew of Luckau whose brother, Walter Singer, had escaped to Sweden and was trying to help Arnold leave Germany and join him. Walter Singer first sought help from an attorney, Dr. Veit Simon of Berlin. On July 28, 1942, he wrote, “As a relative of the families Hirschfeld and Stettiner I permit myself to turn to you to request whether you could possibly represent my brother Arnold Singer, who is still in Germany. After I receive an affirmative answer I will give you more particulars.” The letter was canceled at Stockholm on July 30. Upon arrival at Berlin on August 12, it was marked “Unknown“and “Return to Sender.” A label was added on the back that reads, “Gone. No address details.” It was opened and examined by censors at Berlin. The Nazi regime had removed all Jewish lawyers from the bar in September 1938, so this was probably an exercise in futility; Dr. Simon had probably left Germany long before. If not, he may have perished in the Holocaust.
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