Page Ten

Undercover Address – Rua Latino Coelho, 57, Lisbon

This undercover address, discovered by this exhibitor in 1998, is unlisted in the literature. It was operated by Alfred Schwarcbaum of Lausanne, Switzerland, who openly carried on Jewish relief services from there, and received hundreds of letters at Lausanne from Jews in occupied Poland. A postal card mailed from the Warsaw ghetto district to Schwarcbaum at Lausanne on January 10,1942, is shown on the Warsaw Jewish Ghetto page of this exhibit. He had no need of a Lisbon address for that work, but Schwarcbaum was also working to support the armed Jewish underground groups in Poland, for which disguised communication was essential.

Pictured Above and Below: This 30-groszy postal card, canceled January 3, 1942, at Warsaw, and censored at Munich, originated in the Warsaw Jewish ghetto (where the small boxed “Judenrat Warschau” handstamped marking was applied), and ostensibly thanked the Kajotes firm at Rua Latino Coelo, 57, Lisbon, Portugal, for sending one packet of coffee, designated by a five-digit number (probably a code known only to the sender and to Schwarcbaum). Upon receipt at Lisbon on January 10, the card was routed to Schwarcbaum (red pencil on the message side) at Lausanne.

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