Page Seven

Undercover Address – Helena Lübke, Lausanne

Helena Lübke had been secretary to Ignacy Paderewski, the Polish statesman and world renowned musician who died in exile during World War II. Using her personal funds, she established a service using several undercover addresses in Lausanne, Switzerland, to link people in Nazi-occupied Poland, including prisoners of war and internees, with Poles who had escaped to Allied countries.

Pictured Above: A May 25, 1943, postage free field post cover from one Helena Lübke undercover address at Lausanne to an interned Polish officer in a Swiss military internment camp at Fribourg, sealed with a trilingual tape of the Internment Service Censorship examiner.

Pictured Below: A July 29, 1941, censored postal card from Kraków, Poland, to another undercover address of Helena Lübke in Lausanne. The handstamped endorsement “Eingeliefert am Schalter” (dispatched from a counter) meant that the sender had obeyed postal regulations for foreign mail. The boxed “V” propaganda slogan meant “Germany victorious on all fronts!”

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