A scrip used at Auschwitz Concentration Camp
The foundation has a growing collection of money and scrip issued during the war as well as after the war by the Allies and the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.
- Auschwitz [front]
- Auschwitz [back]
- Camp Hay 6 pence (6d) blue [front and back]
- Camp Hay one shilling (1/-) green [front and back]
- Camp Hay two shillings (2/-) red-brown [front and back]
- Cyprus [front]
- Cyprus [back]
- Ludwig Dillingen DP – Lithuanian [Mens’s front]
- Ludwig Dillingen DP – Lithuanian [Mens’s back]
- Ludwig Dillingen DP – Lithuanian [Womens’s front]
- Ludwig Dillingen DP – Lithuanian [Womens’s back]